Our partners in Burkina Faso have been trained for decades by international workers to be able to help in a time of crisis like we are living through now. With ongoing remote support and accountability, our local Burkinabe leaders and pastors have been able to help their communities as well as provide emergency relief to Muslin refugees being driven out of the north by Jihadist terrorists.
June 2020: 127 refugees fled jihadist violence to take refuge in the central north of Burkina Faso. In this new host village, widow Sarata is not afraid of dying by gunshot, but her 4 children who are very young are at risk of dying from diarrhea, guinea worm or cholera from drinking from dirty water supplies.
After the death of their 2 parents killed by the terrorists, Fati, thé eldest finds herself in the protective role for her 3 sisters. They go to get water from a pond while waiting for the end of the drilling of the safe water well offered to help the refugees.
“How was this possible, if not God's intervention in my life. I who had almost nothing to eat with my children. I thank God because we will not starve”, said widow Awa with tears.
This man could not stop crying, thanking God and the donors when he received corn, brand, oil, mats, soap, and 5,000 Francs.
Like all refugees, these widows will no longer spread the leaves of the trees on the ground to sleep. They received mats from the hands of some of our partner pastors. What a change in their living conditions.
Stonecrest CDC is a 501 (c)(3) Community Development Corporation. No person receives any compensation associated with Stonecrest CDC operations. Operating expenses are kept to a minimum and all funds received in excess of these expenses are used for the benefit of our partner projects
16 Mt. Bethel Road, Warren, NJ 07059