Established in 2007 Teen Challenge New Jersey is reaching, rescuing and restoring young men and at-risk youth from the grip of drug and alcohol addiction by the power of Jesus Christ.
Our proven effective, faith-based recovery program empowers real and lasting life transformation for addicted men — 18 years and older — through spiritual, academic, and vocational training.
Our beautiful new home is on an 88 acre campus in Clinton Township, NJ that was given to the ministry to enable us to help men caught in the trap of drug and alcohol addiction. Each cabin we renovate enables 8 more men to receive the help and support they need to live a life free from addiction. Thank you for joining with us to help, and for being a good neighbor!
For more information about Teen Challenge New Jersey visit us online at:
Stonecrest CDC is a 501 (c)(3) Community Development Corporation. No person receives any compensation associated with Stonecrest CDC operations. Operating expenses are kept to a minimum and all funds received in excess of these expenses are used for the benefit of our partner projects
16 Mt. Bethel Road, Warren, NJ 07059