The Stonecrest CDC is a Community Development Corporation whose Mission and Purpose is to improve lives by enabling tangible and intangible services to individuals, families, and communities who need it most. We do this by partnering with those who support and help our neighbors throughout the world. Many of our partners present unique opportunities to help some of the most hurting and needy people in our world.
Some of our recent projects include:
Other projects include:
Thank you for partnering with us to help make a difference in our hurting world!
The Stonecrest CDC Board:
If you have questions, please contact us.
Stonecrest CDC is a 501(c)(3) Community Development Corporation. We have an all volunteer Board and no employees receive any compensation associated with Stonecrest CDC operations. Operating expenses are kept to a minimum and all funds received in excess of these expenses are used for the benefit of our partner projects.
16 Mt. Bethel Road, Warren, NJ 07059