Stonecrest CDC has been supporting the work in Burkina Faso for several years now. Burkina Faso remains among the five poorest nations in the world, and over the last two years, terrorist attacks from Jihadist groups have internally displaced over 1.2 million people from their homes and villages.
This year heavy rains that started in August were the worst in more than a decade. The floods affected all 13 regions of the country, killing 41 people, injuring 112 and leaving 12,378 households homeless. Homes have been destroyed, health centers have been damaged, and farmland submerged in flooding across the country. This has compounded the problems of a population who has already been at the brink of starvation for decades.
Crops and food storage sheds have been destroyed, ravaging what precious little food people did have. Thus, in their wake, these floods have increased food shortages that will last well into 2021 and have left farmers and their families whose income depends on the harvest devastated. This is truly a crisis of great magnitude.
Burkina Faso desperately needs your help as they are in a race against time to:
During this Thanksgiving season, where in this country we give thanks for our abundant blessings, we ask for your prayers and whatever gifts you can give to help with the physical needs and to restore hope to the people of Burkina Faso.
Thank you!
Stonecrest CDC is a 501 (c)(3) Community Development Corporation. No person receives any compensation associated with Stonecrest CDC operations. Operating expenses are kept to a minimum and all funds received in excess of these expenses are used for the benefit of our partner projects
16 Mt. Bethel Road, Warren, NJ 07059